PALACIO DOMECQ, S.L., with CIF B- B-11899002, with address at Calle Honduras,3, C.P. 41012 Sevilla, informs about the provisions that regulate the use of the service of the Internet Portal (hereinafter “Portal”).

This Portal has been created by PALACIO DOMECQ, S.L., for informative, entertainment and/or lucrative purposes. Access to and/or browsing of the Portal confers the condition of User on the person who accesses and/or browses it. As a User, you declare that you are of legal age and have sufficient legal capacity to be bound by the present conditions of use and access to the Portal.

The User accepts, expressly and without exception, that access to and use of the Portal, its services and the contents of said services takes place under his/her sole and exclusive responsibility, which extends to the use, by the User or any third party of any password or similar assigned for access to the Portal or any of its services.

The User undertakes to use the Portal, its services and contents in accordance with current legislation, good faith, generally accepted uses and public order. The use for illicit or harmful purposes against PALACIO DOMECQ, S.L., any third party, or which, in any way, may cause damage or impede the normal operation of the Portal, is prohibited.


Once the purchase process has been completed, the CLIENT will receive a confirmation message to the contact address provided, together with the tickets purchased as an attached file in PDF format, for printing at home. You will also be sent a localised copy. The CUSTOMER will also be able to download the tickets to their mobile device. Both the printable and downloadable mobile devices include a QR code that will be scanned at the Palacio de Liria ticket office to exchange the ticket.


Once the ticket has been purchased, it will not be exchanged or refunded. The loss or misplacement, the impossibility of attending on the scheduled date or the commission of an error. Changes will only be made in the case of justified force majeure or in the event that the venue is unable to offer the services purchased.


PALACIO DOMECQ S.L. does not grant any licence or authorisation of use of any kind over its intellectual and industrial property rights or over any other property or right related to the web page and the services offered.

The modification, copying, alteration, reproduction, adaptation or translation of the Portal by the User or third parties without their express authorisation is expressly prohibited.

The User is not authorised to copy and print any graphic, audiovisual or written element of this Portal, except for the content that is the property of a third party and has been identified as such, for non-commercial use, provided that all such copies and printouts contain all copyright or other intellectual property rights notices and all disclaimers contained therein.

None of the logos and registered trademarks of PALACIO DOMECQ S.L. may be used or reproduced without its prior written authorisation.

The availability of all these elements owned by PALACIO DOMECQ S.L. or third parties that appear on the Portal does not imply, under any circumstances, the transfer of ownership or the granting of a right of use in favour of the User.

Apart from what is specifically mentioned above, the reproduction of part or all of the content of this Portal in any form, including framing, the creation of any derivative work based on this Portal and/or its content and the incorporation of its content into other web pages, electronic retrieval systems or publications are prohibited.

In the event that any User or third party considers that there has been a violation of their legitimate rights due to the introduction of a certain content in the Portal, they must immediately notify PALACIO DOMECQ S.L. of this circumstance.

Any attempt to obtain the contents of the Portal by any means other than those made available to the Users, as well as those normally used on the Internet, is forbidden, provided that they do not cause any damage to the PALACIO DOMECQ S.L. Portal.

Users who voluntarily provide PALACIO DOMECQ S.L. with images or other graphic or multimedia information, at the same time cede their reproduction rights for as long as said material remains on the web server. In any case, PALACIO DOMECQ S.L. is under no obligation to the user with respect to such information, and reserves the right to remove it at any time and without prior notice.


Palacio Domecq has placed special emphasis on its objective of disseminating its collection and heritage. This objective is still in force, as well as that of satisfying the demand of visitors and achieving a rationalised administrative management, as well as guaranteeing the conditions of the rooms, the maintenance of the facilities and the level of services.

The commitment is to be a reference of quality in the cultural offer of the city of Jerez de la Frontera. In turn, another of our main commitments is related to the protection of the information we manage, and specifically the personal data we process, both that provided by our visitors and by the palace’s collaborators or clients.

This management extends to compliance with current legislation, specifically the European Regulation on data protection (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC) (General Data Protection Regulation), so that through this data protection policy we inform you of how we collect and process such data.

This Privacy Policy establishes the basis on which Palacio Domecq S.L., with registered office at Calle Honduras 3, 41012 Seville, an entity operating in Spain, processes your personal data provided through the website

We remind you that each time you provide us with, or it is necessary for us to access, any type of information which, due to its characteristics, allows us to identify you, such as your name and surname, e-mail, billing or delivery addresses, telephone number, type of device or debit or credit card number, etc. (hereinafter, “Personal Data”), whether to browse the same, buy our products or make use of its services or features, will be under the application of this Privacy Policy, along with the Terms of Use of the Web, as well as other referenced documents in force at all times, and you should review these texts to verify that you are in accordance with them.

This Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use may change from time to time. It is your responsibility to read them periodically, as those in force at the time of use of the Web will be applicable.


    – We respect user privacy and choices.

    – We ensure that privacy and security are built into all activities carried out by the Palace.

    – We do not send marketing communications unless you request it. You are entitled to change your mind at any time.

    – We do not offer or sell user data to third parties.

    – We are committed to keeping your data safe and secure, which means that we only work with reputable suppliers.

    – Transparency data is available for consultation on our website.

    – We do not use your data for purposes other than those we have informed you about.

    – We respect your rights and always try to accommodate your requests in accordance with our own legal responsibilities.

For more information about our privacy practices, we set out below what types of personal data we may collect, how we may use it, with whom we may share it, how we protect it, and how you can exercise your rights in respect of that data, at all times in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

Please read this information carefully. If you have any questions or concerns about your personal data, please contact us at


Personal data” or “personal data” are defined as “any numerical, alphabetical, graphic, photographic, acoustic or any other type of information concerning identified or identifiable natural persons”. Thus, when we speak of personal data, we are not only referring to the name and surname of a person, but, in a very broad way, it includes any type of information (ID card, photographs, videos, voice, fingerprints, etc.) as long as it refers to an identified natural person (it is known who the data belongs to) or identifiable (it is not known who the data belongs to, although it could be ascertained without much effort).

In this sense, it could also include unique numeric identifiers such as the IP address of your computer or the MAC address of your mobile device, as well as information obtained through cookies.

This Policy covers all personal data collected and used by Palacio Domecq, in its capacity as data controller.

Data controller

The information provided in the form is owned by Palacio Domecq S. L. domiciled in Calle Honduras 3, 41012 Sevilla.

For any further information, you can make any enquiry by sending an e-mail to the following address:

Contact e-mail:


We remind you that before starting to use any of the services offered by the Palacio, you should read this Policy carefully.

Failure to provide certain information indicated as obligatory may mean that it will not be possible to manage your registration as a user or the use of certain functionalities or services available through

The user guarantees that the Personal Data provided are true and accurate and undertakes to notify any change or modification of the same. Any loss or damage caused to the Website, the Data Controllers or any third party through the communication of erroneous, inaccurate or incomplete information in the registration forms shall be the sole responsibility of the user.

What data is collected?

One of the main objectives of Palacio Domecq is to ensure the satisfaction of its visitors, to maintain relations with its collaborators and to make them feel protected when they provide their data to operate with Palacio Domecq. To this end, there are several ways in which you can share your personal details with Palacio Domecq.

The tables at the end of this chapter summarise the following aspects of the processing of personal data:

    1. Processing activity and the purpose for which the data have been collected.

    2. Who the data subjects of the data collection are.

    3. Categories of data collected such as identification data, employment and academic details, financial data, among others.

    4. Basis of legitimacy. That is, the legal basis for the collection of the data such as the performance of a contract, consent of the data subject or a legal obligation.

    5. The recipients of the communications, which are those persons or entities to whom the personal data are to be sent.

    6. Whether international transfers of data to third countries are foreseen.

    7. The period for deletion is regulated, by which the data collected must be deleted. Deadlines are established on the basis of the legal obligations scattered throughout the legal system depending on the subject matter.

The different data processing activities carried out by Palacio Domecq S.L. are listed below.

Activity: Visitor services

Purpose: General management of visitor services at Palacio Domecq

Stakeholders: Clients and users; Legal representative.

Categories of data: Identifying data: DNI/NIF, name and surname, telephone number, postal address and e-mail address.

Legitimation: Consent of the interested party. Legal representative

Recipients of communications: Not foreseen

International data transfers: Not foreseen.

Period of suppression: Minimum 6 years.

Activity: Access control

Purpose: Control and monitoring of security at the facilities.

Data subjects: Employees; Customers and users; Legal representative

Data categories: Identifying data: DNI/NIF, name and surname, address, signature, image/voice.

Legitimation: Provision of the palace visit service.

Recipients of communications: Security forces and bodies

International data transfers: Not foreseen.

Time limit for deletion: 90 days

Activity: Video surveillance

Purpose: Management of security maintenance through video surveillance systems.

Stakeholders: Employees; Customers and users; Legal representative.

Data categories: Identifying data: image / voice

Legitimacy: Surveillance of the museum’s assets

Recipients of communications: Law enforcement agencies

International transfers: Not foreseen

Time limit for deletion: 90 days

Activity: Lost property

Purpose: Security and control of collection and delivery of objects lost or forgotten in the palace.

Stakeholders: Employees; Customers and users; Legal representative

Categories of data: Identifying data: DNI/NIF, name and surname, address, telephone, fax, e-mail.

Legitimation: Palace regulations. Identification of the owner

Recipients of communications: Not foreseen

International transfers: Not foreseen

Period for deletion: 6 months

Activity: Advance ticket sales

Purpose: Management of data of visitors to the museum who have obtained their tickets in advance through the online services or by e-mail.

Parties concerned: Customers and users

Categories of data: Identifying data: DNI/NIF, name and surname, postal address and e-mail address. Financial and insurance data: credit cards.

Legitimation: Consent of the interested party. Legal representative

Recipients of communications: Not foreseen.

International data transfers: Not foreseen.

Time limit for deletion: Minimum 6 years from its issue.

Who can access your personal data?

Your personal data may be processed on our behalf by our trusted third party suppliers. We enter into contracts with them to perform a variety of business operations on our behalf. They are only provided with the information they need to perform the service.

We always do our best to ensure that all third parties we work with maintain the security of your personal data.

International transfers

No international transfers of data to countries outside the European Economic Area are envisaged.

How long do we keep your Personal Data?

We only retain the Personal Data provided for the period required by law in order to meet the needs of users or to comply with legal obligations.

To determine the data retention period of your Personal Data, we use the following criteria:

    – For the duration of our contractual relationship.

    – When contacting the Palace for an enquiry: for as long as necessary to deal with your enquiry.

    – Cookies that are installed on your computer: they are stored for as long as necessary to achieve their purpose and for a maximum of 365 days.

As we made clear earlier, one of the purposes of data retention is to comply with legal and regulatory obligations. Data will be deleted automatically when it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected and will be automatically deleted from our systems when this is possible.

Is my personal data stored securely?

The Palace undertakes to store your personal data securely, taking into account all the precautions laid down in the European Regulation and the law.

Contracting with third parties that handle personal data requires the signing of confidentiality clauses when processing such data.

Links to third party sites and social login

Our websites and applications may contain links to and from the websites of our partner networks and sponsors. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we are not responsible for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to these websites.

Social media and user-generated content

Some of our websites and applications allow users to submit their own content. Please remember that any content submitted to one of our social media platforms may be viewed by the public, so you should take care when providing certain personal data (for example, financial information or address details). We are not responsible for any actions taken by others if you post personal data on one of our social media platforms and we recommend that you do not share such information.

Your rights and options

The Palace, in compliance with the European Regulation and the Personal Data Protection Act, makes it easier for users to exercise the rights set out in the respective regulations mentioned.

These rights are as follows:

    – Right to information: the right to obtain clear, transparent and easy to understand information on how we use their personal data and on their rights.

    – Right of access: the right to access the personal data we hold about you.

    – Right of rectification: the right to have your personal data rectified where it is inaccurate or no longer valid or to have it completed where it is incomplete.

    – Right to erasure / right to be forgotten: the right to have your personal data erased or deleted.

    – Right to object: the right not to have the processing carried out or to have the processing cease when your consent to the processing is not necessary for a legitimate and justified reason.

    – Right to portability: the right to move, copy or transfer data from our database to another database. This right can only be exercised with respect to data you have provided, where the processing is based on the performance of a contract or on your consent and the processing is carried out by automated means.

    – Right of restriction of processing: the right to request the restriction of the processing of your data.

    – Any person has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not we are processing personal data concerning them at Palacio.

Interested parties have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the fulfilment of the purposes for which it was collected and in compliance with current legislation.

In certain circumstances, data subjects may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case it will only be kept for the exercise or defence of claims.

In specific cases and for reasons related to their particular situation, data subjects may object to the processing of their data. El Palacio will cease to process the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons or for the exercise or defence of possible claims.

The data subject also has the right to receive the personal data he or she has provided to the Palace in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. This latter right shall be limited by the following exceptions: the data to which this right relates must have been provided by the data subject; the data must be processed automatically (by computer).

If you feel that your rights have been disregarded, where can you make a complaint?

If you believe that your rights have been disregarded by our entity, you can make a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency, by any of the following channels:

Electronic Headquarters:

Postal address:

Spanish Data Protection Agency

C/ Jorge Juan, 6


By telephone:

Tel. 901 100 099

Tel. 91 266 35 17

Making a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency does not entail any cost and you do not need the assistance of a lawyer or solicitor.

Who are we?

    – Our name: PALACIO DOMECQ, S.L.,

    – Our CIF / NIF: B11899002

    – Our main activity: Organisation of events and rental of facilities.

    – Our address: Honduras, 3 C.P. 41012 Seville

    – Our contact telephone number: 956 33 88 88 05

    – Our contact e-mail address:

    – Our website:

    – For your confidence and security, we inform you that we are an entity registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, Volume 30.890, Folio 34, Page M-555968, Inscription 2ª.

Filing a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency does not entail any cost and the assistance of a lawyer is not necessary.

Will we profile you?

It is our policy not to profile users of our services.

However, there may be situations where, for service delivery, marketing or other purposes, we need to profile information about you. An example might be the use of your purchase or service history to enable us to offer you products or services tailored to your tastes or needs.

In such cases, we will implement effective security measures to protect your information at all times from unauthorised persons seeking to use it for their own benefit.

Will we use your data for other purposes?

Our policy is not to use your data for purposes other than those we have explained to you. If, however, we need to use your data for other activities, we will always ask for your permission beforehand by providing you with clear options to allow you to decide.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These General Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted and governed in accordance with Spanish law.

For any litigious question derived from the existence, access, use or content of the General Conditions, both the Client and PALACIO DOMECQ S.L., expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and competence of the Courts and Tribunals of San Roque.

PALACIO DOMECQ S.L. is at the disposal of all the Users to improve the contents and services of the Portal. If you have any suggestions or proposals, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail at

Return policy
1. After purchasing tickets no refunds will be made unless there is a possible issue with access to the venue and/or services purchased.

2. In the event that you can not access one of the venues, a refund of the proportional amount of the venue will be made.

3. In the event that a purchased service can not be provided, a refund of the proportional amount of the service will be made.

4. You will be refunded via the same payment method originally used when making the purchase.(cash, credit card, etc).
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